Assignment Help on Intensive farming and its negative consequences on people
report is based on discussing negative consequences of intensive farming, which
is mostly known as the use of large amount of pesticides and medicines for the
growth of crops, and rearing of animals. This report in this context has chosen
an article and summarised writer’s primary concerns in it. It has also
discussed the reason for Government’s support of this farming and its failure
and discussed its colossal impact on society and human. In this regard the impact
of language, style and structure have been elucidated and writer’s key purpose,
its effectiveness and intended readership are analysed too.
Section 1
1. Writer’s main concerns regarding the practice of intensive farming
farming is often considered as one of the latest procedure for obtaining high
productivity through the utilisation of chemical fertilisers in colossal amount
on a small area of land and keeping massive amount of livestock indoors. In this article writer has raised her concerns
regarding the negative effects of intensive farming. Through the use and
application of different types of pesticides, chemical fertilisers,
insecticides and pesticides, this kind of farming tries to increase
productivity and keeping livestock more than their capacity. This in turn is responsible
for emergence of various diseases, pollution and infections due to poor hygiene
and overcrowding.

Figure 1: Reasons for
the support of UK government towards intensive farming
the one hand, such farming enables people to purchase food with fewer prices
but contrarily, it is responsible for affecting human health negatively. In the very first, line the writer uses word imagery like
cold and bright to provide a distinct image of nature and along with that she
uses the imagery sweet for making readers feel the weather. This happens
because vegetables and fruits are covered with harmful pesticides that cannot
be washed away easily leading physical deformity, skin allergy and congenital
diseases. Moreover, pesticides are responsible for killing beneficial insects
and it affects workers and people residing near it. Moreover, the writer has
also elevated his concerns regarding the lifespan of livestock’s’ that is
optimising incessantly due to excessive use of chemicals. The writer has expressed her concern by suggesting the
absence of hedgerow, blade of grass, birds or butterflies in the perfectly
designed garden of countryside where intensive farming is taking place. Her
concern regarding adverse effects of intensive farming becomes clearer when she
mentions that bees are hired for fertilising blossom.
2. Reasons behind the failure of UK government for supporting British farmers
to the writer of this article, British Government is putting much effort in
supporting British farmers by encouraging people to purchase British food. In
such way, more import of food from foreign markets can be reduced. This undoubtedly
helps farmers in increasing their profit margin. On the contrary, the writer
stated that this is responsible for increasing health hazards in Britain. In
order to produce more British farmers are trying to produce more with less
effort and capital. The writer’s choice of language
makes it evident when she says that British people are inclining towards cheaper
food and for ensuring farmers’ success UK environment secretary is asking for
purchasing British Food. In this case, persuasive writing style has been
maintained as the writer is trying convincing her arguments with evidence that
they are causing harm to physical health of people. This industrial
farming is affecting the life span of animals as it is reducing dangerously.

Figure 2: Reasons for
the failure of UK government in supporting farmers
overuse of harmful pesticides in industrial farming is responsible for scrubbing
wildlife from earth surface. Birds, butterflies and moths are reducing
increasingly and population of birds in last 30 years has fallen by 435
million. Moreover, consumption of fruits and vegetables obtained from such
harming are responsible for making people fall ill. Ammonia emerging from the
use of such pesticides is responsible for negatively affecting local people and
vegetation. Thus, UK government wanted people to consume seasonal fruits and vegetables
that they thought would be healthy for them and will help farmers as well. This
effort has totally gone in vain, as it has failed in serving its purpose.
3. Key points regarding the consequences of intensive farming on society and people
produced in intensive farming are responsible for rearing within restricted
place a large number of animals. Therefore, these animals are required to have high
quantity of water, food and even medicine for ensuring their healthy growth and
expansion. Similarly, for the growth of crops excess amount of chemical
fertilizers, labour, capital and pesticides are used. On the contrary, the
usage of large amount of pesticides is responsible for poisoning and polluting
both soil and water. The usages of pesticides on the one hand, ensure high production
of crops and making its price cheaper.

Figure 3: Key points
regarding the consequences of intensive farming on society and people
the contrary, humans are bound to pay for such exploitation. The lifespan of
animals decreases in an alarming rate. Moreover, when these medicines and
pesticides enter into human body through the consumption of these animals and
crops, they suffer from various health hazards. The
writer has maintained descriptive writing style by painting a picture regarding
the negative consequences of intensive farming by pointing towards the absence
of birds, butterflies and bees. Moreover, persuasive writing style can be
observed here to when she gives exact data in percentage regarding decrease of
the population of sparrows or the suggestion of the existence of strong
yellowish smog occurred out of excessive pollution. This type of farming
is responsible as well for destroying biodiversity as the number of birds; bees
and moths is optimising every day. These pesticides consist of harmful
chemicals like ammonia and bioaerosols, which can contaminate air and water and
people residing near the agricultural field. Ammonia is responsible for
increasing headache, nausea, wheezing, difficulties in breathing, phlegm and
asthma. In UK, it is found that more than 26% people are suffering from asthma
that has caused due to air pollution. Bioaerosols are responsible for allergic
reactions, infectious diseases, impairment of lung function and respiratory
systems. (Refer to appendix 1)
Section 2
4. Analysis of the writer’s attitude towards intensive farming and its effect on people and countryside
of the farmers in UK belong to multicultural background. The managers of
industrial farming often use abusive language towards them and maintain
authoritative attitudes. This results in the less connection of farmers with
their occupation and as the managers focus more on more production, therefore
the farmers try to inculcate less capital for the growth and expansion of production.
On the other hand, it is necessary for farmers to understand that excessive use
of pesticides and medicines cannot ensure high production rather it is responsible
for decreasing its lifespan. Often managers discuss these matters with farmers
in their own language and therefore, most of the useful information is lost in
translation. The writer has used the simile garden of
Eden to suggest how beautiful intensive farming can look like from outside.
Whereas usages of imagery like ‘crammed
into barren pens or tiny patches of land’, ‘standing listlessly waiting to be
fed’, ‘ milked or injected with antibiotics’ only suggests poor condition of
these animals used in this farming. Similarly, imageries like smell of cowpats,
nauseating reek and faintly sweet smell of manure suggest the overuse of manure
in this kind of intensive farming and its side effects.
first layout used in the article give an image of heaven on earth, as there are
perfectly aligned trees but without the presence of a single bird, grass or
bees. The tree sparrows are reduced by 97%. This clearly points towards the
harmful effects of pesticides on animals destroying natural balance. The second
layouts support this fact. This artificial crop, animals and fishes are
responsible for negatively affecting health of people as drugs or pesticides
used for their growth are entering into human body making them fall ill. The
most convincing evidence is emission of yellowish fog due to air pollution in
countryside areas, which is worse than Los Angeles, and third layout suggests the
worse sight of feedlot farming. Expository writing
style has been maintained in this case as the writer has separately described
consequences of intensive farming on animals, environment and people.
Section 3
5. Main purpose of the article
primary purpose of this article is to make UK government and intensive farming
managers aware of the negative effects of this type of farming. The writer has
achieved this purpose by including in the article its negative effects like
destroying biodiversity, negative health consequences. The writer has achieved
this purpose by using large number of data and statistics, images. Intensive
farming helps in high production but consumption of chemical fertilizers,
pesticides and medicines used for the growth of livestock lead to various
hearth diseases and asthmatic problems. The writer has tried to show this by
interacting with people suffering from health hazard residing near the firm. The purpose is mostly achieved through expository and
descriptive form of writing style. Logical and critical outlook is developed
and notes are taken for assessing main purpose of this article.
6. Writer’s intended readership
purpose of the writer is to make people aware of the negative consequences of
intensive farming or more specifically, it can be stated that she has tried to
create awareness among managers of this farming and Government of UK. Government
is supportive regarding the practice of intensive farming. She has tried to create
awareness by giving them adequate knowledge associated with it through easy and
fluent language. Providing enough data and statistics regarding its harmful consequences,
she tried to strengthen her argument, She has provided convincing justification
as well so that government can take immediate effort for reducing intensive
farming and if it is necessary to sustain then utilising certain methods for
optimising its negative consequences. This is a kind of academic article as the
author is expert in this field, photographs, and data support illustrations.
7. Effectiveness of writers’ achievement of her purpose
this particular article, the writer has tried to raise the awareness of UK
Government, industrial farming managers and people associated with intensive
farming. Maybe the government is emphasising on intensive farming for high
production and cheaper price. On the contrary, it ends up in polluting
environment, destroying biodiversity and causing serious health hazards. In the farming forests are
destroyed leading to large open areas and soil areas. On the contrary
destroying natural habitats of animals and birds it contributes towards
depleting biodiversity as the numbers of birds and bees are reducing in an
alarming rate. Moreover, these pesticides are responsible for air and water
pollution therefore people habituating near this farm can suffer from serious
health consequences. The writer has successfully achieved her purpose in
deriving the attention of targeted readers’ due to her convincing writing style
supported by data, statistics, images, and personal research approach. Critical approach is taken as the writer here tried to
review several other journals on the same topic to analyse the justification of
the writer’s statement. The writer through her expository writing style is
capable of increasing awareness of the Government regarding the negative
impacts of intensive farming. Moreover, he has used word imagery, like
yellowish grey smog to suggest the exact colour of it.
this report, enough knowledge has been gathered regarding intensive farming and
its negative consequences on people, society and environment as a whole. It is
also elemental in finding main purpose of the writer that is to create
awareness regarding its negative impact to prevent it immediately.
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