project is based on the needs and importance of a proper sign language display
system. In this twenty-first century with the advancement of technology,
communication with each and every person has become easier irrespective of
their physical disorders like hearing impairment, inability to speak etc. with
the development of technology structure of sign language and its implementation
is changing and improved in a more simplified way to understand. Different
schools having deaf student has a different model of sign language as per their
student and teacher and their requirements. All communities, societies and nations
around the world have their own sign language. As commented by Humphries et al. (2014), these sign languages are
drawn on the various motions of body parts, specifically hand. The movement of
hands and fingers is transformed into a sign language for the person who is
unable to listen or is deaf. In a broad way, it can obviously be said that this
sign language uses the various facial gesture too. This sign language is
extremely important for the people who are not able to understand the verbal
language or spoken language by normal people. Hands and fingers movement,
facial gesture and lip movement are converted into a sign language. Moreover,
in broad sense facial gesture, expressions, hand motion, body language convey
emotions through sign language.
per Norman and Verganti, (2014), there are different sign languages accepted by
the deaf communities all over the world. These are, 1) Deaf sign language
(includes village sign language) which is accepted and preferred by the deaf
community around the world, 2) Auxiliary
sign language, uses spoken languages. In this type of sign language gesture or
expressions are not used as these don’t generate any verbal words, 3) Spoken language
in a signed mode, according to these spoken languages is converted into sign
languages manually.
are more than 250 types of sign languages around the world as per the spoken
language of various country and community accordingly. These are ASL (American
Sign Language), BSL (British Sign Language) etc. country like, Germany, France;
Italy have own sign language. The design of the sign language is done according
to the origin, religion, phonology (physical sound of spoken language by
human), rules, psychology of the people, syntax (order of word according to the
topic or speech) etc. As stated by Lum et
al. (2014), each sign language is different from the other and some ethnic
group of people have their own sign language which is thoroughly different from
others (as per India’s geographical differences, there are 2 types of sign
languages based on plain, plateau). People with hearing impairment required
this sign language to communicate with people like them (deaf) and others who
are not like them. A manual signs used to educate deaf people through which
alphabets (A-Z) are shown by hand motion. This is not so much well structured
due to close similarity of hand gesture for different alphabets. In the year
around 1959 a structure of monograph sign language developed by Dr. William and
Stokoe (2014) and this structure become a most accepted sign language for the
deaf people. After invention of this structure there are too many research
program made about the linguistics of sign language.
the recognition of the linguistic of sign language software developed by
Microsoft, to sense motions and gestures and then convert them into a symbolic
or sign language Microsoft Kinect XBOX 380 model is used with the application
of C++ language. Mobile phone, high-resolution camera, I-pad can also use to
capture motion and facial gesture, along with the voice and then convert it in
sign language to make this understandable for the people not able to listen or
understand the normal spoken words. To convert voice Google use Google Voice
Recognition which is an android application. A program based on Java developed
to make recognition of voice, capturing motions, facial expressions and then to
convert each of them into sign language.
opined by Pantaleo, (2013), a large segment of society irrespective of class,
race and religion are unable to understand spoken language i.e. they are facing
hearing disabilities or impairments. To connect with these hearing impaired
people a proper language designed not only to make them understand but also to
understand their language. On this course, this project is made on designing a
software program on sign language to convert and display motions and gestures
into text through which deaf people can interact and communicate with the
normal people.
daily course of life when hand gesture, movements and facial expression fails
to interact and communicate with people then the need of sign language felt. As
per Erdener, (2013), this sign language is a non-verbal structure of language
created for the deaf people for making them interactive and communicative. In
doing so recognising and capturing of speech i.e. spoken words and physical
sound are the most important as these things are converted into sign language.
A motion capturing system and equipment is used for the conversion of sounds
and physical gesture of human being. This motion capturing system is used to
convert the recognised sounds and motions.
are very few studies done on the development and improvement of sign languages.
On this point of view, critical analysis and existing literature are reviewed
to identify the importance of sign language and its modification. As opined by
Figl et al. (2013), past researches
are done on the existing sign language models and this examination was done for
providing help to the hearing impaired people to communicate and understand the
verbal languages. From a research was done by Taner Arsan and Ulgen (2016) and
their evaluation the main reason for designing software for sign language is to
help people who are having a hearing disability. According to their study, it
is a design which is pretty much able to capture motions, gesture sign and
convert them into a written language on the screen. This research was
successful providing information regarding the capacity of capturing visual
scenes (hand and finger motion, facial expressions, gesture, body language) and
converting them into such a language and displayed the same that can help and
able people who cannot listen i.e. the hearing impaired people.
improve and develop the display system of sign language, too many things need
to be considered. Proper hardware and software system should be implemented and
developed as per the requirement for improving the existing sign language
software. Motion recognition hardware like camera, mobile are to be used and
improved for better capturing of pictures of physical gestures, body movements
and sounds originated from human forces during their daily life. A sign
language hardware must be needed a high definition and resolution camera with a
clarifying lens which can able to catch each and every slight motion and
gesture exactly. Proper infrastructure should be implemented for developing the
display system of the sign language model.
to Fawcett, (2015), there is another research and study regarding sign language
system and its design. The main target and focus of this study are to improve
the visual communication pattern or model that can perform as per the
requirement of the hearing impaired people to communicate with others. As per
this study, there are too many different hand gestures which indicate different
meaning and for this case a proper development and improvement needed in the
display system of the sign language. All kinds of hand motion, movements and
gestures needed to be properly and perfectly incorporated and displayed through
sign language. The display of sign
language will become efficiently interactive and communicative for the deaf
people as much as perfectly and minutely the gesture being captured and
converted accordingly.
per Richards, (2013), the basic and important outcomes and findings of the
previously done research and studies are pointing toward the modification and
development of the hardware and software of the existing sign language system
for better capturing of images (gesture, body movements, facing expressions)
and their conversion in a positive and more effective and interactive manner.
sign language system it is very much important to grab and organise the entire
element Collected from the outside (different gestures, hand and finger
motions) into a system and program them with the application of C++ language
for better display in a relevance manner. C++ is a programming language
generally used to develop software by implementing the various codes. This
language is needed to construct and restructure software adding different
designs. This is very flexible programming language which helps to design software.
This programming language is used to strengthen software and its modification.
It is used to make efficient software which is flexible, interactive and easy
to use. This is a storage system or says a memory management system consisting
four types of storage duration (static, automatic, dynamic and thread). This
programming language used to enhance computer program.
language is a form of communication specifically designed for deaf people. It
is a two-way symbolic language system of communication needed to be known by
the deaf community to interact with that same community as well as with the
other normal community. As said by Lee et
al. (2014), to communicate with the hearing disabled people too many
students are showing their interests to learn about the sign language. At the
beginning this language was learned by only hearing impaired people and it was
important for the deaf community only but today the importance of learning
about sign language increases. A person having hearing disability doesn’t mean
that he has no right to communicate with others who are not disabled. Sign
language is a language which says about how hearing impaired people can express
their feelings, how they make people know what exactly they are trying to say
others to communicate. This is a learning strategy and procedure for the deaf
people of the society. Hearing impaired people are not feel bad or regretted
for their hearing disability as they are provided equal opportunities to
communicate because they also have the right to communicate with everyone. As
the need and importance of the sign language and its use increases people are
also getting informed about the use of this system. As opined by Lum et al. (2014), for giving deaf people an
equal opportunity to participate and interact with various matters like
emotional, social, political this sign language is extremely important.
Sometimes this hearing disability found in a normal people born with no
disability due to a sudden disease or accidents and in this case that affected
person can get help from sign language till his/her disability doesn’t removed.
As per Goldin-Meadow, (2015), in the literacy procedure or to literate a deaf
student sign language is most important as without this language system he/she
cannot be educated. As communication is essential for the development of a
child this sign language provides them a proper medium to communicate who are
born deaf or say hearing impaired.
main target of this project says this report on the topic of designing sign
language is to choose a proper improved design or model for the hearing
impaired community of society by providing them better opportunity to
communicate with others and with people of their own community. As per
Richards, (2013), this also made to provide the requirements for the
developments of the existing sign language system which can facilitate and
benefited people having a hearing disability. This is for making the deaf
people able to communicate with general people on their emotions through hands
and finger movements, facial gesture and body language which are converted into
sign language for the understanding of the deaf people. This project aims
towards choosing an effective model or design for sign language software which
can easily access by the deaf people and help them to interact with speaking
people. As much efficiently the gesture can be captured that much effectively
the communication can be done. This sign language system can be said as a
bridge between the non-speaking people and the speaking people.
In order to
develop any software, there are several methodologies that can be followed. The
selection of these methodologies is based on the nature of the software that is
being designed and developed. The methodologies that were available for
implementations while developing the software were the Extreme Programming,
Agile methodology, Waterfall Model and the Iterative methodology. Each of these
methodologies has their respective positive as well as negative aspects. In
case of Extreme Programming, it can be used by the developers even if they do
not have a specific model in their mind (Humphries et al. 2014). However, it
has a disadvantage that it is a time consuming process. The Agile testing
methodology is also considered as a good one as it is possible to make any
changes in the software at any time. On contrary to this, it includes a lot of
functions and arrays that ultimately make it difficult to operate maintain and
update. As far as the Iterative methodology is concerned, the availability of
feedback at the end of every cycle is said to be the most important advantage
of this methodology (Goldin-Meadow and Brentari, 2015). However, the over usage
of communication slows down the process. Hence, after going through all the
parameters, the Waterfall Model or technique came out to be the most
significant methodology to design and especially test this software.
Development of a project or software
needs proper planning and designing. As discussed earlier that the project is
based on the sign language design and its software development, the learner had
initiated to do the project and develop the software for people, who are
disable in terms of talking or hearing. In order to develop software, the
learner has done a thorough research and analyse the data to have an effective
outcome. Moreover, the learner has done a research on this topic on regular
basis, so that it can finalize the project with proper evidences and
information (Index of /journal,
Developing the sign language software is a complex process; therefore, the
learner has put continuous effort to execute the design and planning of the
software. As it is a complex process to develop and finalize the software, the
steps need to be followed very carefully and with understanding of each one’s
consequences. The software is mainly developing for the people, who have
hearing difficulties. This software is designed in way, which can convert the
sign languages into voice as well as voice into sign languages. In the
designing process the learner has used the voice recognition and motion capture
system, which is helpful for voice and sign language conversation (IEEE Xplore
Digital Library,
In addition, the software has been designed in a way, which can portray the
signs into writing on the screen. Most importantly, C++ language is the basic
knowledge that has used the learner on developing its software designing. C++
language is helpful to convert motions into text. Development of the software
is based on different stages:
First stage: As the learner, has decided to
develop software, which can be useful for those people, who has hearing
disabilities. In order to develop the software, it needs to understand in depth
knowledge about the problems that need to be developed through this software.
In the first stage, the learner has decided to gather detail knowledge and
understand different sign languages to carry out the project effectively (IEEE Xplore
Digital Library,
Moreover, it considered as the primary information or knowledge to develop this
kind of software. If the learner is not aware of different gestures and sign
languages, then there might be a gap in its designing. Therefore, it is very
important to know all kinds of sign languages, hand motions and body gestures
to efficiently execute the process. Researcher needs to know every meaning of
the programming language so that it can apply all those in the development
process. If the programming language were not used correctly, then the
designing would not be effective enough, therefore, it is very important to
understand each programming language to efficiently execute the project.
According to collected information, it seems like the researcher has analysed
the project and the topic critically to improve its knowledge (National
Center for Biotechnology Information,
Through this process, the learner is capable to understand the usage and timing
of each sign language, which will be very helpful to design the software accordingly.
For research purpose, the learner has directly collected the data from the
affected people to understand the real problems and its mitigation process. As
mentioned earlier, it is a complex process and demands a lot of research work
thoroughly to done the project and prove the effectiveness.
If the primary level has not been
accomplished successfully then the entire process will be on bay. In order to
implement the knowledge that has already gathered by the learner needs to be
done in very careful manner.
Second stage: In the second stage, the process
will focus on the programming language. As the entire project and the
development of the software is based on the sign languages and its
transformation into text. It will surely need the guidance of programming
language. In this case, the learner has developed its idea about the C++
language, which can help it out to recognise the hand movement into texts (Humphries, 2017). This is a programming
language, can recognise hand motion and gestures through its processes. As the
C++ programming language, is capable to recognise the hand movements, the
learner has focused on this language and tries to gather in depth knowledge
about the language. It will help it to carry out the research and the development
process thoroughly. Through C++ language the learner has identified, types of
gestures that can be recognised by this language. As suggested by Ganz et al. (2012) the types of hand
movements that can be coded by the system, so that it can evaluate all its
important features to develop the final software. Apart from these advantages,
there are other advantages also of this language,
- C++ programming language is
highly portable and can be used in developing different devices. It also
can be used in multi platform app development.
- It is considered as an object
oriented language, which can help to abstract proper data and information
(Gárate, 2017).
- It is considered as a enrich
function library.
Besides the hand movement capture
quality, these advantageous sites influence the learner to choose the language
for development. The role of a programming language is very important in this
process, therefore the learner has chosen the C++ language and learn about the
its functioning thoroughly. As opined by Erdener
and Burnham, (2013) the process of development is going through
different stages, which will helpful for the learner to accomplish the
development ion effective manner. as , in the first stage the learner has
gathered sufficient and needed raw information about different types of
gestures and the usage and timing of them are also be identified by the
learner. These are the basic knowledge that the learner would need to develop
the design of the software. In the second stage, it focuses on the programming
language, which is very important to access for this kind of development.
Third stage: In the last stage the learner, need
to be very careful about its implementation of thoughts and processes, because
it is the final stage of preparing the project. Moreover, it is the last stage
of development of the software; therefore, researcher needs to be very careful
to putting its effort into the project. As suggested by Wolf, (2012) the project has been finalized with a intention to
help people, who are suffering from the hearing problem. This initiative has a
lot of responsibility too, as the design need to be appropriate and capable of
mitigating everyone’s problem. That is reason, the learner has started
researching and learning about different had signs and movement. If the
software cannot mitigate or help anyone with its facilities, the entire project
will consider as a failure. Therefore, it is very important to put every
information and technique very carefully. In the third stage, all components
need to be gathered and fixed in a single frame, so that the software can
function accordingly. The learner also has done integration of software and
hardware in this stage. As recommended by Richards
and Schmidt, (2013) before fixing all the aspects, final checking need
to be done for proof that every single aspect is proper in its own way for the
final stage.
The hardware components that will
need in the final stage are a computer monitor, camera, sensors that can
capture the movement. Camera will capture the hand movement and different
gestures. In the software section, the C++ programming language is needed,
apart from that the learner should have installed the initial softwares. As
cited by Ware, (2012) without these
components and aspects the software development is impossible. Therefore,
throughout the third or final stage the appropriateness and reliability needs
to checked, so that the planning can be executed properly. Apart from the
programming languages, different types of hand gestures also need to be
included in the software installation list. All stages that have been mentioned
step by step needs to be monitored properly, so that the software can work
properly at the final stage. As this process is involved with so much of tasks,
it is time consuming and demands a lot of concentration. From the point of view
of Richards and Schmidt, (2013) the
process is scheduled with huge tasks, and many works still needs to be
accomplish. However, the learner needs to pay attention and concentration on
fixing up all the components correctly and develop the design of the software,
so that it can function as expected. As it is a time consuming and laborious
job to do, therefore, before doing or finalizing anything, the researcher needs
to understand its importance on the respective development, unless the entire
work can be spoiled by a simple mistake or unawareness.
suggested by Fawcett, (2015) the design
of the software needs to be modify in a way that can cover all the areas needed
through its functioning. In the 21st century people become more conscious and
concern about the uses of technology. Therefore, the learner has developed the
software with the idea that it could help the people with hearing and speech
deficiency or difficulties. As people are used to advanced technology and its
increased usage, therefore, the learner justly chooses the topic of the
research. In the 21st century, if there is no such software that can help the
people with hearing and speech difficulties, then the real meaning of
improvement and advancement cannot be justified. As cited by Fawcett, (2015) in the recent time, the
Microsoft has developed a software that can sensor the hand movement and
gestures that can be useful to people. In this context, a major amount of people
are facing problem related the hearing and speech difficulties, the researcher
has initiated to develop the software to help out these people. It would be
beneficial for those people to understand other’s languages and emotions too.
In general, these people ignored by others as they are not capable of
understanding the hearing the voices. Through this device or software, the
learner will able to help out them and treat them as normal. In order to
accomplish that, the researcher has chosen to design the sign language display
From the point of view
of Goldin-Meadow and Brentari, (2015) the
major part of the development has been done by the learner in the previous
stages, such as learning about the methods and gestures that would help it to
execute the entire plan. The designing process is considered as one of the most
important processes. It is time consuming and lengthy, because all the staff
need to be completed in this single section of work. Whatever the researcher
has gain throughout the research, needed to be accomplished in this section for
the expected result. Here is the strength and importance of the designing part
laid down.
the successful designing of the Sign Language Display System using the C++
language based coding and programming, the next stage that has followed is the
Implementation of the programs. The program has been implemented on a Microsoft
Kinect Xbox 360 gadget. The main purpose of using the Xbox 360 equipment is
that it comprises of certain advanced features that make it very much
compatible for the usage of the C++ based programmed software. After
implementing the software, every program and feature that is a part of the
software has been employed. It has been done with all possible kind of variations
(Richards and Schmidt, 2013). The
outcomes that were obtained by the evaluation process of the software were
recorded in a specific format. These recorded data were then compared to the
desired values of the same parameters. All these things have been done in the
Observation and Analysis part. This can also be defines as the primary testing
part of the implementation. This implementation can be termed as the initial
implementation that is usually done for detecting the primary or the major
errors that can occur in the module. The observations are recorded, which are
further kept as a reference for improvement of the software. After the
improvement, the software is sent for advanced stage testing, which has been
mentioned in the part that has followed the Implementation. Following are the
details regarding the Testing kits and accessories that have been used in the
implementation and primary testing. This also mentions the observation and
analysis methods of the primary testing phase along with the data recording
As mentioned above, the primary kit
that has been considered is the Microsoft Kinect Sensor. This includes many
advanced features like a High Definition Multi Array Mic, Red Green Blue or
popularly known as the RGB camera, 3D depth sensors and Motorized Tilt. The
High Definition Multi Array Microphone or the HD Multi Array Microphone is the
primary device that records almost every sound that is present in the
surroundings (Wolf, 2012). However, as
per to Fawcett (2015), the distinguishing
feature that makes the Microsoft Kinect Sensor different from other similar
devices in a superior manner is the ability of separating the noise. It
consists of an intelligent transducer and processor installed inside it that
can automatically filter the unnecessary noise signals and lets the required or
the desired sound move to the next stage.
The next important module of the
Microsoft Kinect Sensor is the 3D Depth Sensors. This can calculate the
dimensions of any physical body present in front of it in a very accurate
manner. Ware (2012) has argued in his book named
“Information visualization: perception for design” that the 3D sensor is an
extremely important feature that is needed when it comes to visual perception
based sign language. This feature is considered as a boon for the deaf people
who depend on the sign language to interact with the other people. In case of
the Microsoft Kinect Sensor, there are two cameras that are installed on
the front panel of the device.
Located just next
to the 3D Depth Sensors, there is a Red Green Blue camera. This is commonly
known as the RGB camera. This gives very accurate colour image acquisitions
regarding the object that is placed in front of the Xbox device (Gárate, 2017).
Apart from these three features that have been mentioned, there is another good
feature that is upheld by the Microsoft Kinect Sensor. This is the Motorized
Tilt. This allows the device operator to move the device into a 360 degree

Figure 1: Labeled diagram of Microsoft Xbox Kinect Device
(Source: Gárate, 2017, p.105)
In the Primary phase of the
implementation, the software has been fed into the driving mechanism. This
driving mechanism has the primary duty of processing the input that is coming
from the various sensors that have been attached to different parts of the
sample experimenter's body. As the experimenter moves his body, the transducers
that are attached to the body are activated and pass a signal to the processing
module. This signal is received by the processing module and is processed as
per the instructions provided by the software. As stated by Humphries, (2017)
in his article named “Schooling in American Sign Language: A paradigm shift
from a deficit model to a bilingual model in deaf education”, this is the
actual stage when the software is tested. The software gives the necessary
instructions to process the input signals that have been received from the
human body. The different coding statements and arrays decide what needs to be
done with the signal. This signal is processed in a very accurate manner in
order to formulate the soft structure of a human body. This results into an
image that is the final representation of the input signals in an encrypted
form that could be understood by the viewer. This final image is displayed on
the monitor that is attached with the Microsoft Xbox Kinect Sensor. From the
ideal point of view, the image that is being displayed on the computer screen
or the monitor is suppose to be an exact replica of the pattern or fashion in
which the sensors have been attached on the human body. However, there are
possibilities for the variations to exist (, 2017). In
addition to this, there are certain instants when the images or the signals are
transported from one location to another. This is done if there seems to be a
need of communicating or interacting with a person, who is located at a remote
location through sign languages. This phenomenon is commonly seen in the Television
news channels and certain other public awareness related programs where the
important news or any other form of update is sent to the remotely located deaf
or speech mute people. In these scenarios, there are some advanced forms of
programming that are needed to transport the signals from one location to
other. This includes some high tech means of communications and signal
processing which may also involve some other advanced C++ programming.
The variations that occur in the
images are due to a number of factors that are present in the software module.
According to Kassapi et al. (2017), it is
very important for the operators of the program to check all the devices before
initiating the test. This is because of the fact that the software, which is in
its testing phase, has to be employed into a module that is close to an ideal
module. In case, there is any error in the testing module, there are chances
that the divergences in the images are because of the hardware problem. As a
result of this, the software developers are not able to find out the actual
reason behind the issue. This can further result into the inconvenience that
can be experienced while noting the outcomes for observation and analysis
purposes. However, according to Malloy, (2017), if the hardware components of
the primary implementation and testing module are up to the mark with respect
to the desired level, it becomes easier for the developers, implementers and
testing operators to detect the issue in the coding or programming module of the
software. This is because of the fact that when the hardware components of the
Xbox 360 like Microsoft Kinect Sensor that are being used in the software
implementation are considered to be at ideal functioning conditions, the
variations displayed on the monitor can be correlated with the internal error
present in the developed software. The data that comes out of the module
implementation is then recorded in the next part.
This particular
stage of implementation is the stage where the data that has been obtained by
the software processing is recorded and kept in a systematically arranged
manner. Schuessler, (2017) has mentioned that the data is recorded with respect
to various parameters like the dimensions and positions. There are some
specific parameters that are needed to be followed while recording the data.
This includes the color composition of the image that has been formed on the
screen. The Red, Green and Blue colors need to be in a certain proportion
inside the image. The next parameter is the depth factor. The dimensions of the
output image have to be of an optimum accuracy. The same pattern of the Red,
Green and Blue imagery system is used for depicting the depth and other
dimensions of the sample of the human body. For an ideal condition, the image
needs to be identical to the pattern in which the sensors have been attached to
the human body. Apart from the discussed two parameters, there is a third
parameter that is followed while recording the outcomes. This is the motion
delay of the output image movements compared to the actual movement that is
being done by the sample human experimenter. According to Erdener and Burnham
(2013), the delay in the movements can be because of the hardware as well as
the software module. However, as already mentioned in the report that the
equipments used for the experiment is the Microsoft Kinect Sensor of the Xbox
360 system, there is a very low possibility of any hardware issue getting
detected. This is because of the fact that the hardware components that have
been used in the Xbox 360 are very advanced and high tech. During the
implementation phase, it was assumed by the software developers team that the
hardware is ideal and can be used for a smooth operation of the C++ programming
language based Sign Language Display System.

Figure 2: Sensory Attachment on the
Experimenter’s body
(Source: Erdener
and Burnham 2013, p.186)
The stage that
follows the recording of the data outcomes is the Observation as well as the
Analysis of the recorded data and information. The observation is done by
comparing the actual or the observed outcome with the desired or the target
outcome that was intended by the developers (Figl, Recker and Mendling, 2013).
The comparisons between the two different values are done on the same basis and
parameters that are considered while taking the measurements of the values.
While developing the program, the developer usually makes some specific
parameters that the program outcome will follow. These are known as the ideal
parameters. The ideal parameters are used as the references with which the
observed values are compared. The default values that are being predefined by
the developer have already been discussed in the Design part, which is the
preceding part of Implementation of this report. The dimensions of the image
that has been recorded by the Three Dimensional Depth Sensors of the Xbox 360
Kinect are observed as well as analyzed by the developers.
The comparison is
done with the desired value in terms of dimensions (Norman and Verganti, 2014).
In addition, the color composition with respect to Red, Green and Blue is also
observed and compared with the original or predefined values of the software
programming. This gives a very clear idea about the reliability of the software
module that has been employed. In case the software module is okay, it is
forwarded to the next stage that is the Testing part. However, in case the
software is not up to the mark or as per the desired level of requirements, the
developers make the essential changes in the software through the process of
Re-coding or Reprogramming. This has been discussed in the following part.
The term ‘Re-coding’ or ‘Re-programming’
means the process of making some changes in the existing software’s functions
and arrays. This is usually done by the developers in any software after the
analysis of the outcomes that have been obtained from the output device of the
implementation module. According to Rautaray and
Agrawal, (2012), in this stage, the arrays, coding and programs of the
software module is not redesigned. Rather, certain changes are made on the
basis of the same software platform or module. The changes that are made are in
accordance with the shortcomings or the gaps that have been detected in the
implementation stage. This phenomenon of re-coding and re-programming is
repeated unless an optimum value that is close to the desired value is
obtained. The moment it is achieved by the developers, the software module is
sent to the Testing phase where it is tested on the actual hardware module or
the actual operational environment. The testing part of this Sign Language
display system has been discussed below.
The testing part of the software is
done after making the necessary changes in the software modules. This is the
final stage where the software is being tested in a real time environment. The
software is operated on a live and an operational module. This is also known as
the trial phase of the software. This ensures that the software is compatible
with the environment that it was tested upon up to an optimum level. The
software module is run by employing different conditions and setting various
circumstances in the operational domain or environment (Tewari and Srivastava,
2012). In case of the testing of this software of sign language display system,
the C++ programming language has been tested on the Xbox Kinect Sensor device.
There were different scenarios and circumstances that were set by the
developers and operators. The primary sensory nodes were attached to the
different locations on the sample human experimenter. This was followed by the
variations in movements of the different parts of the body. This particular
process was repeated over and again by disconnecting and reconnecting the
contact leads. The positions of the leads were also changed on the body of the
experimenter and the same thing was repeated again. The readings came out to be
very close to the ideal readings and outcomes that were set by the developer
during the design stages.
It has already been mentioned in the
beginning of the report; the methodologies that were available to carry out the
different stages of testing and implementation of this software were Iterative,
Agile and Waterfall model. The methodology that has been followed during the
testing phase is the Waterfall model. This is because of the fact that it has
included the step by step process of studying and analyzing the software that
has been developed by using the C++ programming language (Richards, 2013). This has mentioned all the
stages starting from the requirements and design to the implementation and
verification along with the maintenance of the module.

Figure 3: Waterfall Model for Software Testing
(Source: Richards, 2013, p.118)
This is the stage that is carried
out to detect the minute errors that can create obstruction in the operation of
the software. These are the small points that can be swept off by the
developers in order to improvise the running capacity of the program or the
software. These are the errors that can exist in the specific environments in
which the software is being tested. Even if the there is no theoretical error
in the software, there is a chance that there may exist some incompatibilities.
These incompatibilities and redundancies are detected in the Final Error
Detection phase. This also includes the check of the security parameters that
are essential for the software operation. As opined by Lum et al. (2014), the security parameters is one of the most
crucial parameters that are supposed to be considered while designing,
developing and testing a software. Hence, the programmers need ensure that there
is no error that is left to the software module. This becomes even more crucial
in the recent times when there are extremely high risks of cyber attacks,
ransom wares and Denial of Service or popularly known as DoS attacks. If there
is any error that is detected in the final security or any other module of the
software, adequate rectification is done by the developers (Lee et al.
This is known to be the final step
in the process of Testing of any software module. This is the stage where the
conclusive rectifications are done and the most crucial and essential last
moment changes are made. After the successful rectification of the different
software programming modules and sub modules, the final application is made
related to the software. In other words, the software that has been developed
is ready to be used by the customers and end users (Jantunen, 2016). In case of the designing and development of Sign
Language Display System, there were very few rectifications that were made during
the last stage. It can be said that the program was very much compatible with
the Xbox Kinect Devices. However, there were some changes and calibrations that
were made in the running or the execution module of the software. This could be
said that some of the calibrations were made in the last stage of
rectification. The security parameters were adequately considered by the
developers of the C++ based Sign language display system.
As the researcher has
done lots of research to develop the design of the sign language display
system. It follows several stages strictly to understand the ways and sign
languages properly, so that it can include each significant aspect in the
software. The development of the softwares needs to be done in an efficient
way. As for example, the researcher can meet those people who are having such
problems and need help of sign language display system. Therefore, the
researcher would be able to understand its importance and impact on the
society. If the responses are not so good or sufficient, it can ask them about
their suggestion to develop the designing off the softwares. After all they are
the one to use the software. Apart from that, it can search about other
different programming languages that can help it to bring out effective and
beneficial outcomes. As programming language and sensors are the most important
elements of these softwares, learner can experiment with different sensor to
understand each one’s capability. However, this process will provide a good
result, for the final project. As mentioned earlier, the third stage of the
design is time consuming and demands commitment and concentration. Therefore,
it is suggested to the learner that, it needs to give more time to the final
stage from others. As the second stage is only related to installation of C++
programming languages, different types of hand gestures and sensors are need to
be done. Therefore, it is suggested not to waste much time on the second
section but try to focus on the third and final stage.
Moreover, the feedback
needs to be gathered by the developer to understand its impact and influence on
society. Researcher has put lots of effort, as the entire process is a complex
process and needs thorough analyses of information. However, in the information
collection section, the researcher needs to collect authentic and genuine
information, so that the result will good. Apart from that, the researcher can
enhance its quality of research by giving more time and dedication to it. The
reliability and validity of information needed to be justified by the
researcher to prove that it is capable of completing this type of project. As
the topic is unknown and different from others, needs to be proved its
reliability and importance in the present time. In this research, C++
programming languages has been done, therefore, the researcher need to confirm
that it uses the utmost of the program. In the implementation and testing part,
the researcher needs to be patient enough to accept the loopholes and correct
it accordingly. After the designing of the software and completing the testing,
it is determined whether it is made as per the expectation. Moreover, this part
also states the direction of the research or project. It is suggested to the
researcher to be very clear about the direction of the research in this
The report has focused
on the steps of developing software to help the people, who have hearing and
speech disabilities. It has a methodology part, which is discussing the
research methodology the researcher will follow to complete the research. There
are specific research philosophy, approach and design to complete the research.
The report has been analysed and discussed through different stages. In the
first part, of the report the discussion on the topic and why it has been
chosen by the researcher as a topic of its research project. It has discussed
that, the development of technologies and lifestyle has no importance, if there
are no proper uses of it. In the 21st century, where everyone is connected to
each other through internet and online media, there are no facilities for the
people, who have hearing difficulties. Therefore, the researchers have chosen
the topic and implement it through its project.
In terms of developing
software, there are certain stages that the researcher has gone through.
Firstly, he has done research about the key aspects of the research. Such as,
the origin of C++ programming language, different types of sign languages and
their implementing time. Through these analyses, the knowledge and concepts has
been cleared from the researcher end. It is needed, because the software is
based on the sign language display system, therefore, without the proper
knowledge of sign language the research would be difficult to accomplish. In
the next stage, the designing of the softwares has been done. In this process,
three crucial steps are included. Information gather, developing and installing
the needed softwares and preparing the hardware tools and finally the fixing or
accomplishment of all components are done. Then, the part of testing and
implementation of the software is need to done. In this section the researcher
gets to know, whether its implementation and research is going in the right
direction. In the implementation process, there are uses of few sections to
effectively discuss about the facts. Like the accessories that have been used
by the learner to test the software and functions. In the second section, the
primary implementation has done by the researcher to understand the loopholes
and errors in the system, so that it can finalize the report error free. These
processes are providing error free guideline to the researcher, which help it
out to accomplish the final project efficiently. More than that, it has
analysed a section that includes with the outcomes from the primary
implementation of the softwares, to keep a record for future comparison. In the
analysis part, comparison with earlier outcomes and the outcome has been done
to observe the consistency of the research. This also proves that the
information that have gathered by the researcher, whether they are correctly
implemented in the research. Apart from that, the programming of re-coding and
re-programming has been critically analysed to establish its importance in the
present context.
The testing part has
been segmented into three major points, testing methodology, final error
detection and rectification. Through this process, the betterment of the
software has been implemented. In the testing methodology, the Waterfall Model
has been implemented to test the software and its functioning. In the final
error detection, part has focused on the final security and other functions.
The researcher to detect the final and last error detection section has introduced
this step. This has an importance as before launching or introducing the
software it is very important to finally scrutinise the whole system. In the
rectification part, the errors are been mitigated or solved by the researcher
and ready the software for the final submission or implementation.
It can be said that the
researcher has chosen a different topic but it has sufficient reason to choose
that. It can open a new way to the people, who are having hearing and speech
problems. As the researcher has done a thorough analysis of each section, this
can be said the outcomes will be good public. It has done error direction and
rectification part to confirm the best result possible. In order to provide
genuine and beneficial software to the people it is necessary to check all its
function and activities thoroughly. The researcher has done all these things
and the project has gone through all these process, therefore, the research has
been completed with all proper information and steps.
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