Friday, 26 May 2017

intensive farming and its negative consequences on people

Assignment Help on Intensive farming and its negative consequences on people

This report is based on discussing negative consequences of intensive farming, which is mostly known as the use of large amount of pesticides and medicines for the growth of crops, and rearing of animals. This report in this context has chosen an article and summarised writer’s primary concerns in it. It has also discussed the reason for Government’s support of this farming and its failure and discussed its colossal impact on society and human. In this regard the impact of language, style and structure have been elucidated and writer’s key purpose, its effectiveness and intended readership are analysed too.
Section 1

1. Writer’s main concerns regarding the practice of intensive farming

Intensive farming is often considered as one of the latest procedure for obtaining high productivity through the utilisation of chemical fertilisers in colossal amount on a small area of land and keeping massive amount of livestock indoors.  In this article writer has raised her concerns regarding the negative effects of intensive farming. Through the use and application of different types of pesticides, chemical fertilisers, insecticides and pesticides, this kind of farming tries to increase productivity and keeping livestock more than their capacity. This in turn is responsible for emergence of various diseases, pollution and infections due to poor hygiene and overcrowding.
Figure 1: Reasons for the support of UK government towards intensive farming
On the one hand, such farming enables people to purchase food with fewer prices but contrarily, it is responsible for affecting human health negatively. In the very first, line the writer uses word imagery like cold and bright to provide a distinct image of nature and along with that she uses the imagery sweet for making readers feel the weather. This happens because vegetables and fruits are covered with harmful pesticides that cannot be washed away easily leading physical deformity, skin allergy and congenital diseases. Moreover, pesticides are responsible for killing beneficial insects and it affects workers and people residing near it. Moreover, the writer has also elevated his concerns regarding the lifespan of livestock’s’ that is optimising incessantly due to excessive use of chemicals. The writer has expressed her concern by suggesting the absence of hedgerow, blade of grass, birds or butterflies in the perfectly designed garden of countryside where intensive farming is taking place. Her concern regarding adverse effects of intensive farming becomes clearer when she mentions that bees are hired for fertilising blossom.

2. Reasons behind the failure of UK government for supporting British farmers

According to the writer of this article, British Government is putting much effort in supporting British farmers by encouraging people to purchase British food. In such way, more import of food from foreign markets can be reduced. This undoubtedly helps farmers in increasing their profit margin. On the contrary, the writer stated that this is responsible for increasing health hazards in Britain. In order to produce more British farmers are trying to produce more with less effort and capital. The writer’s choice of language makes it evident when she says that British people are inclining towards cheaper food and for ensuring farmers’ success UK environment secretary is asking for purchasing British Food. In this case, persuasive writing style has been maintained as the writer is trying convincing her arguments with evidence that they are causing harm to physical health of people. This industrial farming is affecting the life span of animals as it is reducing dangerously.
Figure 2: Reasons for the failure of UK government in supporting farmers
The overuse of harmful pesticides in industrial farming is responsible for scrubbing wildlife from earth surface. Birds, butterflies and moths are reducing increasingly and population of birds in last 30 years has fallen by 435 million. Moreover, consumption of fruits and vegetables obtained from such harming are responsible for making people fall ill. Ammonia emerging from the use of such pesticides is responsible for negatively affecting local people and vegetation. Thus, UK government wanted people to consume seasonal fruits and vegetables that they thought would be healthy for them and will help farmers as well. This effort has totally gone in vain, as it has failed in serving its purpose.

3. Key points regarding the consequences of intensive farming on society and people

Animals produced in intensive farming are responsible for rearing within restricted place a large number of animals. Therefore, these animals are required to have high quantity of water, food and even medicine for ensuring their healthy growth and expansion. Similarly, for the growth of crops excess amount of chemical fertilizers, labour, capital and pesticides are used. On the contrary, the usage of large amount of pesticides is responsible for poisoning and polluting both soil and water. The usages of pesticides on the one hand, ensure high production of crops and making its price cheaper.
Figure 3: Key points regarding the consequences of intensive farming on society and people
On the contrary, humans are bound to pay for such exploitation. The lifespan of animals decreases in an alarming rate. Moreover, when these medicines and pesticides enter into human body through the consumption of these animals and crops, they suffer from various health hazards. The writer has maintained descriptive writing style by painting a picture regarding the negative consequences of intensive farming by pointing towards the absence of birds, butterflies and bees. Moreover, persuasive writing style can be observed here to when she gives exact data in percentage regarding decrease of the population of sparrows or the suggestion of the existence of strong yellowish smog occurred out of excessive pollution. This type of farming is responsible as well for destroying biodiversity as the number of birds; bees and moths is optimising every day. These pesticides consist of harmful chemicals like ammonia and bioaerosols, which can contaminate air and water and people residing near the agricultural field. Ammonia is responsible for increasing headache, nausea, wheezing, difficulties in breathing, phlegm and asthma. In UK, it is found that more than 26% people are suffering from asthma that has caused due to air pollution. Bioaerosols are responsible for allergic reactions, infectious diseases, impairment of lung function and respiratory systems. (Refer to appendix 1)

Section 2

4. Analysis of the writer’s attitude towards intensive farming and its effect on people and countryside

Most of the farmers in UK belong to multicultural background. The managers of industrial farming often use abusive language towards them and maintain authoritative attitudes. This results in the less connection of farmers with their occupation and as the managers focus more on more production, therefore the farmers try to inculcate less capital for the growth and expansion of production. On the other hand, it is necessary for farmers to understand that excessive use of pesticides and medicines cannot ensure high production rather it is responsible for decreasing its lifespan. Often managers discuss these matters with farmers in their own language and therefore, most of the useful information is lost in translation. The writer has used the simile garden of Eden to suggest how beautiful intensive farming can look like from outside. Whereas  usages of imagery like ‘crammed into barren pens or tiny patches of land’, ‘standing listlessly waiting to be fed’, ‘ milked or injected with antibiotics’ only suggests poor condition of these animals used in this farming. Similarly, imageries like smell of cowpats, nauseating reek and faintly sweet smell of manure suggest the overuse of manure in this kind of intensive farming and its side effects.
The first layout used in the article give an image of heaven on earth, as there are perfectly aligned trees but without the presence of a single bird, grass or bees. The tree sparrows are reduced by 97%. This clearly points towards the harmful effects of pesticides on animals destroying natural balance. The second layouts support this fact. This artificial crop, animals and fishes are responsible for negatively affecting health of people as drugs or pesticides used for their growth are entering into human body making them fall ill. The most convincing evidence is emission of yellowish fog due to air pollution in countryside areas, which is worse than Los Angeles, and third layout suggests the worse sight of feedlot farming. Expository writing style has been maintained in this case as the writer has separately described consequences of intensive farming on animals, environment and people.

Section 3

5. Main purpose of the article

The primary purpose of this article is to make UK government and intensive farming managers aware of the negative effects of this type of farming. The writer has achieved this purpose by including in the article its negative effects like destroying biodiversity, negative health consequences. The writer has achieved this purpose by using large number of data and statistics, images. Intensive farming helps in high production but consumption of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and medicines used for the growth of livestock lead to various hearth diseases and asthmatic problems. The writer has tried to show this by interacting with people suffering from health hazard residing near the firm. The purpose is mostly achieved through expository and descriptive form of writing style. Logical and critical outlook is developed and notes are taken for assessing main purpose of this article.

6. Writer’s intended readership

The purpose of the writer is to make people aware of the negative consequences of intensive farming or more specifically, it can be stated that she has tried to create awareness among managers of this farming and Government of UK. Government is supportive regarding the practice of intensive farming. She has tried to create awareness by giving them adequate knowledge associated with it through easy and fluent language. Providing enough data and statistics regarding its harmful consequences, she tried to strengthen her argument, She has provided convincing justification as well so that government can take immediate effort for reducing intensive farming and if it is necessary to sustain then utilising certain methods for optimising its negative consequences. This is a kind of academic article as the author is expert in this field, photographs, and data support illustrations.

7. Effectiveness of writers’ achievement of her purpose

In this particular article, the writer has tried to raise the awareness of UK Government, industrial farming managers and people associated with intensive farming. Maybe the government is emphasising on intensive farming for high production and cheaper price. On the contrary, it ends up in polluting environment, destroying biodiversity and causing serious health hazards. In the farming forests are destroyed leading to large open areas and soil areas. On the contrary destroying natural habitats of animals and birds it contributes towards depleting biodiversity as the numbers of birds and bees are reducing in an alarming rate. Moreover, these pesticides are responsible for air and water pollution therefore people habituating near this farm can suffer from serious health consequences. The writer has successfully achieved her purpose in deriving the attention of targeted readers’ due to her convincing writing style supported by data, statistics, images, and personal research approach. Critical approach is taken as the writer here tried to review several other journals on the same topic to analyse the justification of the writer’s statement. The writer through her expository writing style is capable of increasing awareness of the Government regarding the negative impacts of intensive farming. Moreover, he has used word imagery, like yellowish grey smog to suggest the exact colour of it.


From this report, enough knowledge has been gathered regarding intensive farming and its negative consequences on people, society and environment as a whole. It is also elemental in finding main purpose of the writer that is to create awareness regarding its negative impact to prevent it immediately.

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

Nurses’ perceptions of pain assessment and management for elderly patients in the acute care setting in Saudi Arabia: A qualitative study

Nurses’ perceptions of pain assessment and management for elderly patients in the acute care setting in Saudi Arabia: A qualitative study

Data collection method-

Data collection in qualitative interview can occur in two methods either through direct one to one interview, or in a focused group. The time consuming nature of the data collection method limits the number of samples taken for the study. The advantage of qualitative interview is its richness in exploration of the topic. In the present topic, the nurse interview will be conducted through a qualitative approach as proposed in the study. Out of the four types of data collection methods available, in the present study individual interviews will be conducted. The interview to be conducted for nurses will be semi-structured in nature. The reason behind this methodology for data collection is a focused phenomenon can be explored as well as proper structure can also be maintained. In case of conducting unstructured interview that is in depth, the orientation will be affected. Since perception towards elder care might vary and factors influencing perception can differ, therefore semi structured interviews can provide us proper tool for assessment of the data. Therefore semi structured interview involved broad range questions on perception of care and guiding interview subjects. Another reason behind conducting semi structured interview is to find out any interesting factor that can provide a brief insight into factors influencing perception or themes from the perception. This structure will help the researcher to focus on two to three areas in context of elder care and help in addressing the research objectives too.  The interview should be scheduled in such a way that the participants don’t feel stressed rather it must look like a discussion.  The interview will be initiated with simple questions like what do you think of elderly care? What is your perception towards aged care with different co-morbidities and in this process it can be narrowed down to specific questions like – what is your perception towards medication management in elderly patient? How autonomy factor influence medication factors and what is your perception towards autonomy. The nurses were asked to evaluate their practice with real time evidence about perception and how it affects their practice. The interview lasted for 30-40 minutes with a mean of 32 minutes. The interview was conducted in the clinical setting according to the time given by the participant. Similarly, the interview was recorded and transcribed verbatim by a senior research assistant having no knowledge on the research conducted and the topic. This was done in order to reduce the bias (Ung et al, 2016, pp 23).

Reflection on mindfulness before designing questionnaires-

In my experience designing questionnaire for an interview data collection is difficult and must involve clear state of mind before designing any questionnaires. Designing an interview questions involves quite more than just to chose what questions has to be asked.  There are several factors that can influence the success and failure of the interview session with the participants. Following are the data collection to do list must be maintained-
·         Data collection mode- The actions and words at the time of in person interview have a major impact on the final result to be obtained. The design of question must be targeted and to the point and must not take too much time unnecessarily. The benefit of putting forward the body language will not be there and phrasing the questions will play a major role in how the participant interprets the questions and hence the final data will be influenced.
·         Impact of fatigue in survey- There are types of questions in which there are heavy burden of the respondents and this increases the mental fatigue at the time of interview. So the questions must be designed in such a way that it must not cause fatigue in both the interviewer and interviewee mind. Further it is not required to write the questions that are convoluted to the memory of the elderly people. If the questions are poorly designed then there are high chances that the elderly people may feel hesitant in replying to the questions.
·         Impact of question wordings on interview- One of the most difficult task while setting the questionnaires for interview is selection of right words. The questions asked must not be complicated and must be understood by the elderly people and collection of data actually doesn’t allow you much time to change the question phrase or add additional information to the question. If the language used in framing the question is esoteric with high technical jargons and inaccurate terminologies, it will not allow the interviewee to answer freely to the questions. Furthermore, clear instruction must be provided before starting the questionnaires session.
·         Make proper order of the question- There must be a logical flow to the question asked in the interview. If the interviewer starts jumping around the topic then it may create confusion on the mind of respondent which can causes complete abandon to the survey question. Make sure that the survey must be carefully tested in order to find out the inconsistencies during the experiences taken in survey (Alasad et al, 2015, pp 563).

Data Analysis-

The analysis of qualitative data consists of coding, identification, pattern of categorization and the themes found in the data. The applicability and the clarity of the findings must be heavily dependent on the ability of analysis of the researcher. This sort of dependence in the abilities of an analyst can be of greater strength and weaknesses of a qualitative research or interview. It is sparingly important that the researchers documents and reports analytic processes must be reported truly so that other can easily evaluate the findings of the researchers. The usage of the literature plays a vital role in the qualitative analysis of the collected data and may vary on the basis of analysis. Such as in thematic analysis it can be extensive before the commencement of data and also it can be contraindicated. Several literature suggest that it is generally very difficult to generate one’s own concepts without the addition of burden of the getting a proper literature that can make sense to the data.  One of the analysis methods apart from the software based analysis includes thematic content analysis. It is one of the common methodology used in terms of qualitative research and it mainly aims to find the common pattern across the data set and generally used with the following steps-
·         Familiarizing with the data which involve reading and rereading.
·         Labeling or coding of the whole text recorded during the interview
·         Searching for the theme in accordance with broader pattern of meaning
·         Review of the theme in order to ensure that they fit to the data collected
·         The name of the theme will be defined
·         Finally preparation of coherent write up which includes quotes that are being said at the time of interview buy the interviewee (Alsharani et al, 2014, pp 400).

Ethical Considerations-

There are several ethical considerations has to be kept in mind before starting of the interview. There are personal as well as conversational interview version in which such situation is developed where possibility of causing ethical issues are usual. Such issues are-
·         Confidentiality- As the respondent might be sharing their very personal information, it is sparingly important to assess the confidentiality clauses and up till where the interviewer can promise to keep the confidentiality. There are kind of disclosure such as threats to the safety and child abuse must be reported as the interviewee must be knowing all this information from the very beginning. Also it must be considered very thoroughly regarding the preserving of confidentiality when the analysis and the reporting of data will be done. The person must have access to the data who actually owns the same (Alqahtani, 2014).
·         Informed consent- Most of the studies which includes evaluation of program are covered by some sort of human subjects in the process of review. This actually demands the sign of the respondent in a particular sheet where it will be providing the permission that the respondent is participating the interview and he or she is already informed regarding the benefits and potential risk during the session.
·         Assessment of Risk- It is very important to assess and consider all the potential risk involved and must include all the risk associated with the consent documents. Although just talking may seem harmless but there are instances where elderly people participating in the open ended interview may get stressed, political and legal repercussion or ostracism by the staffs who believes that the participants are using unflattering views about them.
·         Reciprocity and promises- The major issue in this is that what are the rewards the participants gets after the interview by sharing their insight as well as time with the interviewee. It has to be ensured to them that is the community benefitted in some or the other way as a result of the study or if any promises are made towards monetary payment after the interview and such promises must be fulfilled.
·         Mental health of the interviewer- The process of interview can be quite intensive and also can be an interpersonal issue. Being as the participant can experience several stress by disclosing more than what is intended to be disclosed and can sometimes becomes painful experiences as well. Sometimes the process of the interview can be of quite sensitive nature of what has been observed or heard. The interviewer must have the capability to control the emotional situation and stay practical as much as they can in order to get the data collection properly done (Albaqawi et al, 2016, pp 191).

Implementation of research plan-

The major objective of developing a research proposal is to implement it as quickly as possible in order to achieve the desired objectives. This basically involves the process of collection and processing of the information. The collection of data can be carried out by the analysis and processing of the information collected. The collection of the data can be done through interview process of the elderly individual by the research staff or even by outsourcing the job to the outside firms. The implementation stage of the proposal is the most expensive phase of the research and if the implementation is not done properly then there are chances of getting an error while execution of the research. It is the duty of the researcher to closely watch and ensure that the plan has been implemented properly. The major duty of the researcher is to keep a watch towards the problems and must be able to tackle the respondent in case they refuse to cooperate at the time of interview process and provides biased answer or takes shortcuts in reply to the answers. The researchers must also analyze and process the data collected to isolate the information as well as findings. They also required checking the completeness and accuracy of the analysis and finally computing and tabulating the results obtained from the data that is collected through interview. The major changes requires while implementation of the research within me is my patience level and my attitude towards conducting the research. There are instances where people will refuse to participate in such interview process but I need to keep clam and convince them to become the part of the research to make them aware of the benefits of this research in the future process (Almutairi et al, 2016, pp 31).


I would like to publish my data obtained through this research in the American journal of nursing. It is because this journal is one of the oldest running journal related to nursing in the world with distinction. Their several publications in the year 1900 has been widely cited and gain recognition across the world. Further this caught my interest because this journal basically focuses on the evidence based article publishing and also provides clinical information on timely basis. This will help in high citation of my work in the future (Cruz et al, 2016). 

Saturday, 20 May 2017

ERP System Implementation in Organisation

ERP System Implementation in Organisation
ERP system is a well-known term in organizational management in every place. There are different phases in this system, which helps the organizations to grow up their business activities and develop management efficiently. Retirement is the chief topic in this ERP cycle as well. However, each phase is highly fruitful and reflective for business institutions. Phases are included as adoption decision phase, acquisition, implementation phase, use and maintenance phase, evolution phase and retirement phase. It must be highlighted that retirement phase is the chief and key phase which helps all the companies to change their management decisions and activities positively (Papke-Shields & Boyer-Wright, 2017). More than that, retirement guides companies to achieve and to adopt effective theories and strategies so that the managers can be able to improve their business rewardingly. However, it should be specified that managers need to find out the necessities or the essentialities of new technological systems in their workplaces. This is because, without technological implementation, no organization can be able to build up their business management reflectively. In this regard, it has been revealed that ERP system is the chief cycle, where retirement phase implements the technological plans and aspects within a significant organization (Emblemsvåg, 2014). The respective managers of every highlighted business companies do this implementation and planning.
Basically, in the most recent days, it has been observed that ERP system is a significant project planning which helps the managers to point out their faults, needs, rewarding aspects and so on. After adopting new technological aspects and devices, it must be specified that managers point out the faults or the irrespective outcomes of the technologies through ‘’retirement phase’’. Therefore, this is the chief term or phase, which helps all the managers or employers to replace such ERP systems, technologies or management strategies.
After introducing retirement in ERP system, it is to be highlighted that the researchers are trying to evaluate the purpose, responsibilities or objectives of this phase in significant business organizations. Retirement phase has chief responsibility because; this phase directs the managers to replace ineffective ERP technologies and aspects with effective technologies and perspectives.
Chief target or purpose of this research study will convey the essentialities and necessities of retirement phase of ERP cycle. In this respect, the researchers are trying to highlight the positive outcomes and results of this phase so that the observers, readers or managers can be able to get significant ideas and concepts regarding the specified phase of ERP lifecycle. More than that, it must be highlighted that this research study will also focus on the positive results of replacing or retiring manage mental technologies or aspects, which started to provide negative impact on business companies as well.
The objectives of this research projects are mentioned below:
  • To analyse essentialities of retirement phase in ERP cycle
  • To justify outcomes of retirement phase in workplaces
  • To relate the other phases with retirement phase of ERP system
  • To understand and to clarify the positive outcomes and fruitfulness of this research in business institutions
There is a proper significance of this research. This research study will help the managers of respective organizations to find out the positive outcomes and results of replacing or retiring different technologies and aspects of all organizations. From the previous research analysis and studies, it has been revealed that managers have implemented retirement phase along with other reflective phases of ERP cycle. Other than that, those research studies also express the advantages and benefits of different business institutions and management by replacing ERP technologies, which affect the working conditions and values as well.
From the above discussion, it has been specified that organizations are trying to focus on the retirement phase and its positive outcomes so that the managers can enforce and include that particular phase within their management as well. However, researchers are trying to imply effective strategies and planning so that the managers can be able to include retirement phase of ERP cycles in order to replace ineffective technologies.
This research study will propose different scopes, which are reflective to discuss through the study. ERP system, technologies, and retirement phase are highly significant to find out the scopes as well. Literature review and conclusion are included in scopes as well. Scopes are as follows:
  • Retirement phase in ERP cycles
  • Relationship between retirement and other phases
  • Key factors of retirement phase
  • Decision makers’ identification of retirement phase and its positive outcomes
Research methodology always helps the research analysis and the researchers to understand the ways and procedures of research study. Research analysis of Retirement in ERP system also includes a proper method of researching and directs the researchers to analyze their research study significantly. Other than that, it is to be specified that if researchers fail to fix up their methods of research study, they will fail to research positively and effectively. However, this topic is highly related to structured literature review research approach, which helps the researchers to gather relevant data and information from the previous research studies on this topic. Structured literature review approach signifies strategies and idea regarding a specific research topic after developing the idea and concepts from the earlier ones as well.
Regarding data collection method, it is to be mentioned that secondary data collection method must be involved for this research analysis. This is because, books, journals, articles provide effective knowledge and concept regarding the topic of the research as well. Data base knowledge, market evaluation and consistency are the chief topics or information that the researchers need to collect. Therefore, secondary data collection method is highly rewarding and fruitful in this respect. On the other hand, primary data collection method includes face-to-face interviews, surveys and so on (Wright et al. 2016). This method is not applicable for this research as research approach is structured literature review. Moreover, it is to be highlighted that among quantitative and qualitative data analyses, qualitative is highly applicable for this research topic. This is because; researchers need to discuss and to focus upon the qualities of organizational management after implying ERP lifecycle, in which retirement is the chief topic as well (Gelman et al. 2014). If researchers can be able to highlight the quality of retirement phase, which brings positive outcomes and effectiveness in business organizations, development in business activities and technologies will be definite as well.
From the above discussion of this context, it is to be highlighted that researchers can be able to reflect their research analysis on this topic of retirement phase in ERP system as well. Other than that, it is also be evaluated that if the researchers cannot be able to follow up the mentioned methods for their research topic, they can never be able to reflect this topic of research positively.
ERP life cycle: Enterprise resource planning is highly effective regarding improvement of business organization. The word lifecycle itself refer to a continuous process, hence, this ERP lifecycle can be said as a continuous process of ERP system, which includes different phases.   However, it is to be specified that retirement is one of the main steps of this system and lifecycle. There are different phases in ERP system that is highly effective for project planning and development (Tasevska, Damij & Damij, 2014). The researcher has shed light on each phase of ERP lifecycle and according to the researcher, entire ERP phase are the reference of ERP lifecycle at their different stages. ERP  lifecycle includes five different phases such as adoption, acquisition, implementation, use and maintenance and the last phase is evaluation and retirement phase. In order to approach retirement phase of ERP lifecycle model, the researcher has to go through each single phase that are included in retirement phase. The researcher has pointed their discussion on ERP phases (Jeong et al. 2015).
Table 1: Retirement phase analysis
(Source:, 2016)
According to the researcher, retirement phase comes at the bottom of ERP lifecycle; it refers to adopt new technology for project planning. When the manager fined their planning are not working in an effective way, then the ultimate is there present in Enterprise resource planning lifecycle. In this phase the manager decide when the existing plan should be eliminated and there will be implementation of another required technology. ERP system is completely based on technology implementation; hence, this retirement phase helps the manager to implement effective technology for business development and to design a perfect project planning (Heravi & Coffey, 2015). In order to follow ERp retirement phase the manager has to go through by the other different ERP lifecycle phases, as retirement phase is the final stage of ERP lifecycle. The researcher has lighted entire lifecycle phase of ERP.

Relationship of retirement phase with other ERP lifecycle phases:
Figure 1: ERP lifecycle
(Source: Jeong et al. 2015)
Adoption phase: This is the first phase of ERP lifecycle, which provides the facility of examining project requirement for further planning. According to the researcher in this phase, the project manager has to identify the overall requirement in order to plan a project in an effective manner. This phase has the property through which a manager can be able to put the project requirement and determine project aim and objectives and benefits related to the requirement for proper project planning (Rieger, Stanley & Traynor, 2014). It is the important phase for ERP system; this is very begining phase for project development. However according to the researcher when manager founds any kind of challenges after adopting phase of adoption in ERP system then the manager's turns toward retirement phase. 
Acquisition phase: This is the selection phase for the organisation managers, in which they tend to select their required technology for project development and project planning. In order to minimise customization, this phase is quite helpful for the manager in which they will have to select organisation product that can result profit to the organisation (refer to appendix 1). In this phase of ERP lifecycle, the decision is based on product pricing, maintenance and training. In addition, with the help of this phase the manager can be able to contract an agreement for further project planning (Emblemsvåg, 2014).
Implementation phase: Implementation is the third phase of ERP lifecycle, which refer implementation of adoption and acquisition according to the required decision taken by the organisational managers (refer to appendix 2). According to the researcher, in this phase the managers use to consult first, as per organisational need. In this phase, the manager requires to take expert advice for implementing project needs according to organisational product selection (Sharon & Dori, 2015). 
Maintenance and use phase: According to the researcher, the manager has to maintain and use the adopted technology for organisational growth and development. While using this phase the manager needs to be aware of the technology expectation and benefits, along with that the manager needs to be concerned about the challenges during this phase. For any project planning, it is required to look after the implemented technology. In ERp lifecycle system this phase plays a vital role for organisational development (Creemers, Reyck & Leus, 2015).
Evaluation phase: In this phase of ERP lifecycle the manger need to evaluate the entire requirement for project planning. According to the researcher, this phase refers to the integration of implementing more beneficial ERP system ability. This phase includes project planning, scheduling, customer relationship management supply chain management, work process and external expansion with other business partners. According to the researcher, this phase helps the manager to turn toward retirement phase (Šetinc, Gradišar & Tomat, 2016).
Retirement phase: This phase is the final phase of ERP system in which the manager has to decide about the project planning that need to be retirement according to the need. After passing through each phase of ERP lifecycle, this phase helps the manager to make further effective project planning for organisational development.  In order to approach business need this Retirement phase appears with new technology according to the project need and organisational requirement (Papke-Shields & Boyer-Wright, 2017).
Graph 1: ERP retirement system
(Source: Galliers & Leidner, 2014)

Key factors of retirement phase in ERP system: Retirement phase is the final phase of enterprise resource planning, which enables the manager to make effective decision. Temein fundamental of this phase has the am to remove product system according to the organisational requirement. This is because,  software has their specific expiry date and it is difficult to conduct organisational function with un-updated software. Hence, with the presence of retirement phase the manager can be able to make decision for adopting new technology. According to the researcher, there are few reason behind removing ERP system and adopting new technology (Baskerville, Pawlowski & McLean, 2016).
Figure 2: Retirement phase key factors
(Source: Chofreh et al. 2016)
       Expired software, which has no longer use for the organisational function and project planning
       System get obsolete
       When system get replaced, the manager has to decide for system retirement
These are the certain key factors, which influences the manager to make decision for adopting retirement phase. In addition, retirement phase has certain objectives regarding organisational development and project planning. According to the researcher, retirement phase includes flowing objectives:
       Retirement phase completes system removal according to the organisational requirement
       This phase makes sure that there should not be any kind of interruption to the system users
       Retirement phase provides less impact on organisational function or operation related to business activity

Figure 3: Retirement phase objectives
(Source: Alexander, 2015)

The researcher has focused on activity of retirement phase, which helps the manager to make effective decision for project planning.
       Retirement phase include the activity of identification and comprehensive analysis on existing software system in order to remove and find its coupling with another system software according to organisational need
       The manager can be able reconstruct and re engineering the existing software systems,in order to make the system software within organisation and there would not be need of any retirement
       Retirement phase works to transform the required data from organisational record, according to the researcher no data can be manipulated  after being retired
       Retirement phase provides the facility of maintaining existing data and there will be no requirement of existing ata to the other system
       Retirement phase manages to configure existing system software from the organisation
       This phase offers to integrate system from the remaining system, according to the researcher this facility is provided to ensure that existing software is well
       In order to facilitate with smooth communication system the retirement phase include beta testing of software system

Graph 2: Training and development
(Source: Renz, 2016)
Key Decision maker’s identification in retirement phase: According to the researcher, this phase helps the organisational manager in many ways. With the presence of retirement phase objective ad activity, any organisational manager can be able to receive beneficial result in favour of organisation. According to the researcher, there is a term release retirement milestone through which retirement phase ends (Shen, Chen & Wang, 2016). Release retirement milestone is the final stage of retirement phase. With the presence of this milestone, the manager can be able to achieve following:
Figure 4: Retirement phase decision makers
(Source: Bos, 2016)
Removal of release system: This is the end of retirement phase, which includes software and hardware, job scheduling and existing data in ERP system archive
Update Documentation: In this phase, there is presence of un-updated data and documentation. According to the research enterprise, resource the managerial department must update planning system data.
Acceptance of stakeholder: In this phase of release retirement milestone, the manager should notify the entire stakeholder of the organisation. In addition, the stakeholder must understand removal of system and they should sign out from the existing software.
Hence, according to the researcher view, it can be said that the process of retirement phase is not just a simple effort; rather it is well-defined process in ERP lifecycle. With the above discussion on the key factors of decision-making, it can be said that retirement end process is helpful to the manager in order to make effective decision for the organisation. According to the researcher’s point of view, retirement phase affects less on business organisation and helps the organisational manager to implement required technology in order to meet with organisations aim and objectives.
The research on ERP system and ERP lifecycle has shed light to the challenges that comes toward the manager while planning for a project. The ERP lifecycle include different phases and retirement phase is one of the most effective phases, which enable the manager to make decision for making organisational development. According to the researcher study, there are certain issues, which are being faced by the manager. It becomes easy to conduct organisational function with the presence of ERP lifecycle and ERP system (Lasisi, Owens & Udagedara, 2017).
Table 2: Retirement phase benefits
(Source:, 2014)
Challenges with ERP retirement phases:
The research has reflected the challenging phase with the organizational manager with ERP lifecycle process and ERP system. When it comes to change or modify the software system with the help of retirement phase, it becomes more difficult in order to plan for budget. As software and hardware costs high, therefore ultimately manager will find difficulties while paying for system maintenance. Based on the research study of literature review, the researcher has pointed there is a need of required study on ERP system and ERP lifecycle (Garbutt & Schuler, 2016). According to the property of retirement phase in ERP system, manager deals with the implementation new technology or modification of required technology. In both cases, organisations need to pay huge amount (Costa et al. 2016).
System replacement costing: when it comes to replace system in ERP system, the manager tend to take expert consultation, which offers effective and suitable advice, however it takes high cost. ERP system is completely dependent upon software system, each software and hardware requires license, here the challenging factor for the manager is to set proper budget strategy for project planning. In order to run business organisation in proper way a manager should be aware with software pricing and other business requirement (Zvezdov & Hack, 2016).
When a manager reach to retirement phase at that instant the manager has to make decision for implementing new technology. First of all the manager has to decide the necessity of removing existing software system. This is the most challenging phase for the manager to decide when there is a need of new technology. In order to do so the manager has to gather proper information related to the required software system for the organisational growth. By passing through each ERP lifecycle, the organisation manager faces challenges in each of the phase (Hu et al. 2016).
Challenge of gathering proper system skill: It is easy to implement new and effective software in organisation with the help of ERP system. However, the manager requires proper knowledge based on software system for the organisation. If the manager would not have required skills, it will be difficult for them to make understand their employee for implementing or using software system. In order to sustain organisation aim in proper direction it is essential to share system information to the project related person within the organisation (Baltzan & Phillips, 2016).
Requires expert’s guide in retirement phase adoption: With the presence of top-level management system, the business organisation avails proper decision and direction method. According to the literature review, the organisational manager faces challenges while adopting technology. When it comes to avail the facility with the help of retirement phase of ERP life cycle, it is essential for the manager to gather expert guide. There is a requirement of technical expert while adopting technology for organisational development. This becomes a challenge for the management system in order to avail convenient facility through ERP system.  In that case, lack of technical skill can result in failure direction and organisation would not able to sustain smoothly (Leon, 2014).
According to the literature review study, the researcher has shed light on the challenging phases, which are faced by the organisational manager. With the help of ERP system and ERP lifecycle, the researcher has lighted the narrow benefits through retirement phase in ERP lifecycle process.
Retirement phase benefits in ERP lifecycle process: The ERP lifecycle process consists different phases in which retirement phase offers beneficial result for the organisational development. In this phase, the manager has to decide for the removal of existing system and implementation of required software in order to improve organisational productivity. With the presence of retirement phase, a manager would be able to understand when a software need to be retired. As software system has certain specific expiry date after that particular system requires t be updated, hence with the implementation of updated software to the organisation function, it would be beneficial to develop in an efficient way (Galliers & Leidner, 2014).
However, each phase of ERP lifecycle are interlinked with each other by relating lifecycle phases with retirement phase several beneficial results can be availed by the organisation. These ERP lifecycle process are processed in a cyclic order, hence, when it comes to last stage of retirement phase, the manager would get idea when a software should be removed and how the next system can be utilised for the further organisational growth. With the help of adoption phase, a manager can be able to reach retirement easily by analysing the required system for establishing proper project planning (Renz, 2016).
Retirement phase properties: With the evidence of ERP software cost effectiveness, the business organisation tends to adopt this Cloud ERP software for organisational growth. As the entire processes of cloud software are maintained within vendor's environment, hence this software does not carry any extra rent through organisation. Cloud ERP system offer to integrate required information the software installation. Cloud software is extremely flexible to the user and in addition, this software provides the facility of auto update system. Cloud software provides an effective to communicate and share information to the organisational body and it can be controlled from anywhere. Hence, according to the research, this Cloud ERP system is suitable for business organisations (Garbutt & Schuler, 2016).
Solution through ERP lifecycle and retirement phase: Cloud ERP system offers many beneficial service to the organisation. Based on the research study it can be said that the organisation can be able to implement this software according to their business requirements. The software developers has provided with user-friendly ERP system of cloud computing. Business organisation faces challenges during technology implementation due to limited budget, since cloud ERP system offers different packages so it would be convenient to select affordable software packages for organisational development (Lasisi, Owens & Udagedara, 2017).

In recent days it has been seen that many of the organisational body tends to adopt ERP system and ERP lifecycle retirement phase, in order to develop organisational productivity. In order to plan for a project in business organisation, lot of things need to meet related to the business fundamentals. According to the research study on retirement phase of ERP lifecycle and through the help of literature review many things has come out. Several data has been collected through this research study and this research study leads toward the discussion part, based on the challenging factors and implementation of retirement phase with the help of ERP lifecycle’s retirement phase. In order to develop organisation in proper manner, there is requirement of technology adoption, which transforms organisational function in an easy mode. Retirement phase works as tool for the organisational manager while planning a project.
In this research report, the researcher has highlighted critical points of business organisational structure and functionality with the implementation of ERP lifecycle.  ERP retirement phase lifecycle provides an efficient way to implement technology in the global business platform. With the help of lifecycle model related to ERP, system an organisational management body can be able to understand the method of technology adoption. According to the researcher ERP, system is beneficial for organisational growth. However, there are few parts of challenges where the organisational management finds while planning for a project (Jeong et al. 2015).
When it comes to plan a project, in order to achieve organisational aim and objectives, it is essential to implement required resources. For this reason organisation requires a proper direction to implement suitable ERP system. With the implementation of ERP life cycle and its different steps, this helps the organisation to achieve organisational, specified goal. In the platform of global business, organisation ERP lifecycle enable organisation to select technology packages. In addition, this lifecycle tool also supports project planning in proper way and in efficient manner. The organisational manager receives certain suitable idea to integrate project planning in a proper alignment. The researcher has found an important technique of analysing gap while implementing ERP system to the organisation. It is very important to analyse organisational gap, it is the way to make understand about the current organisational function and future requirement for the organisation (Heravi & Coffey, 2014). In order to implement project planning it is important to review the entire status of the organisation, this helps to analyse what are the further requirement of the organisation. Through analysing organisational requirement, the decision makers will be able to make effective business strategies in order to gain beneficial results and can improve their market position.
The researcher has focused on the implementation of ERP lifecycle process because it provides structured way to improve organisational function. According to the research study on literature review, it has come to know that in the ground of global organisation ERP system has influenced positive results for organisational growth. The management system of the organisation enables to design effective project designing and planning (Rieger, Stanley & Traynor, 2014).  One another applicable method that is retirement system in ERP helps organisational management system in order to implement new and effective business planning. Organisational management body implement certain effective business strategies for organisational growth, however, the environment of business platform changes according market status. Hence, it is not possible that existing business strategy will work effectively; in that case, organisation requires changing and modifying its marketing strategies. With the change of marketing strategies, an organisation can be able to receive profitable result for the organisational growth. According to the research study, the researcher has put their view on ERP retirement phase, which is suitable to improve organisational productivity. This phase helps the organisational management system to implement new project planning which would reflect positive result in favour of global level organisation (, 2014). 

The ground of global market deals with various types of organisation and every organisation consisting of their own market value. In the ground of market, it is the crucial responsibility of managers to implement suitable project planning for organisational development. When it comes to plan for a project, the manager faces certain areas of challenge. In order to develop and improve organisational productivity it is essential to design project planning in a proper manner at the time of ERP retirement phase. In this report, there is a discussion on managerial function to design project planning with the support of ERP system and ERP retirement phase analysis. Through the implementation of project, planning one organisational manager can be able to share their vision among other employee related to the business platform.

With the implementation of ERP system and ERP retirement phase, an organisation faces few of the challenging area. The researcher has focused and lighted the challenging area, which need to be improved in proper manner, so that the organisation can be able to improve their productivity in an effective manner during ERP retirement phase and ERP system. When a manager comes to plan for organisational project, it is important to review the importance of project planning. With the help of ERP retirement phase and ERP system, the manager would be able to conduct organisational function in an effective way through project, planning the organisational manager can be able to put their view on business strategies. Project planning is an effective through which an organisation can avail different way of receiving beneficial result and in addition, it helps to improve productivity.