Informing new employees regarding hospital practices as per legal norms
In a hospital,
newly recruited employees do not have an idea regarding the legislative and
organisational policy. Therefore an explanatory note helps them to understand
the additional legislative rules that linked with their occupation. It will
help them to develop their working performance in a legal way which is
effective enough to maintain the organisational practice of care. Clear concept
and attentiveness towards the explanatory note is a kind of guidance for the
inexperienced employees to perform their duty without any professional mistake.
As per Hospitals and Health Services Amendment Bill 2013, the parliament of
Australia provides different kind of approaches that ensure a medical
practitioner to accomplish their duty in a successful manner
(, 2013). This bill provides Hospitals and Health
Services Amendment Act 2013 that comes with section number 35D. As per this
act, the employees are liable to serve the external and internal stakeholders
by their medical efficiency. A hospital can be controlled by private and
government body that has been stated in the 7th section.
In the section
20B, the recruitment is conducted by the help of employing an agency that will
help the health department to provide medical staffs. Moreover, employment
linked activities are informed by this section of legislation which is very
effective to obey in the clinical field in an organisation. This bill reminds
the health service staffs to need to be dedicated to the organisation for human
good being. As per Compensation and Injury Management Act 1981, an employee who
has lost the hearing ability or got injured the specific employee will be
selected for the compensation from the organisation. There are some acts that
are made to reform the legislations that are already enforced in the healthcare
sector. Health Services Bill 2016 is an effective bill through which the
employees are informed to maintain the equality in the service provision in
their current health care organisation. In this bill, the roles and
responsibility of a caring employee are clearly mentioned that they are liable
to maintain during the service period. Health Services Act 2016 has a noble aim
that influences the healthcare organisation to uplift the health condition of
the local area (, 2016). As per this legislation care,
workers need to identify the actual reason of the illness of a service user and
serve them according to their need. Regular skill upgradation and learning of
advanced techniques are required that will be effective for health care
service. Health service policy maintenance will guide the employees to carry
forward their institutional responsibility in a proper way that will help to
develop their knowledge and experience for better service.
b) Explanatory notes to inform experienced employees regarding hospital
The policy of
organisation provides the employees with the opportunity to maintain the
legislative rules and regulation by the help of different health-related bills
and acts. Utilisation of proper ethical and legal norms is effective for the
health care service. Recruitment of the health care employees is performed by
the help of the employment agency that comes under the Hospitals and Health
Services Amendment Bill 2013 (, 2013). The process of
selection of service provider is influenced by the 35D sections of the
Hospitals and Health Services Amendment Act 2013. Strategic and practical engagement
of the employees in the healthcare setting improves the quality of the service.
Moreover, experiences and regular upgradation of knowledge, as well as the
skill of the employees, help them to improve their effectiveness in the
workplace. Health Services Bill 2016 expresses that indiscriminate and equal
service is the liability of the service providers and legal right of the
service users (, 2016).
The previous
act has been reframed and the performance strategy has been changed that are
needed to understand by the information sharing session and the attentive
monitoring of the cases of the organisation. Performance as per the advanced
methodology of the medical service that enhances the dynamicity of the service
that uplifts the service quality according to the aim of the legislative rules
of government. In this context, Melnyk et
al. (2012, p.420) stated that major accountability of the employees is lain
on the safeguarding process and development of the strategies in a proper
manner support the entire service structure to provide better treatment to the
service users. Hence, development is a crucial parameter to be considered in
terms of providing care to the patients. On the contrary, Redman et al. (2015, p.127) commented that
health promotion activity in this sector helps to improve the idea of the
common people in the society that need to be practised by the employees. This
kind of activity is supported by the legislations that ensure the upgrading
service quality of the healthcare sector.
4.3 Training plan to train inexperienced employees:
New employees
need to have a practical training to implement the knowledge in the workplace.
According to Grove et al. (2014,
p.652), the training process can be performed by three specific processes such
as new template formation, a record of macro and evaluate the macro. These
steps will allow developing the performance effectiveness of the employees.
Development of new template:
Templates are
made by the knowledge of legal amendments, bills and legislations. The new
employees need to inform about the different acts regarding medical and health
care. The objectives of the health care acts will influence them to sort out
the required and significant one that they can include in their activity. In
this context, DiCenso et al. (2014,
p.69) mentioned that possibility of regular maintenance active them to enlist
those rules that can be effective for their occupational activity. Use of
advanced method will upgrade their service; moreover, this will reduce the
chances of harm and injury of the patients and help them to get a quick
recovery. Knowledge about Health Services Amendment Bill 2013 and Health
Services Bill 2016 will practically nourish the inexperienced employees to
develop a right path to proceed with their service process
(, n.d.).
Providing information about the bills
1.5 weeks
Providing idea regarding the approaches of
the acts
2 weeks
Process of application of the proposed acts
in the workplace
1 week
Providing information on the effectiveness of
the approaches
Table 1: Training plan
for inexperienced employees
(Source: Learner)
Record of macros:
The macro
record is important to identify the requirement and reason or idea for a specific
activity. Template of the inexperienced employees guides them to make their
direction through which they can achieve success in the service. However,
sometimes this template develops various issues that need to be assessed
further for the betterment of the service of the employees. Each segment of the
template carries different weightage of different activities. According to
Redman et al. (2015, p.124),
application of the bills may not be proper in some cases that need to be
enlisted by the employees by a comment option of the specific space.
Identification of the further lack of idea of the inexperienced employees can
be ticked in the macros as per the importance of the activity. These little
notes are required for further adjustment for the improvement of the practice.
Evaluation of Macro:
Based on the
effectiveness of the template in the body of a macro the implied bills are
assessed. This assessment is done to compare the performance of the
effectiveness of the employees by the application and maintaining the rules and
regulations of the template. After the interactive session, the employees are
treated with proper care to improve their current skill and knowledge to serve
in a better way in the hospitals. Through this macro different cultural behaviour
and ethical restriction of the inexperienced service providers can be
identified that helps to provide them with the actual knowledge to leave the
discriminating thought which is legally incorrect for the service providers. In
this way, a macro is evaluated and proper steps are taken to improve the
deficiency and quality of the service providers.
Methods and Visual Tools to be implemented for Training
The training process can be
done by the use of audiovisual aids, such as Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
and projector which is very much effective to engage a trainee employee in the
training session. In this context, Melnyk et
al. (2012, p.410) mentioned that different real examples shown through a
Presentation and projector are highly reliable for the healthcare sector. These
help to follow the organisational rules properly to influence the employees to
do the same and gather some knowledge from the demonstrated incidents.
Leaflets, pamphlets and booklets can be distributed among the trainee employees
that consist of different important legislative rules and regulations as well
as their proper application. According to Young et al. (2015, p.353), diagrammatic representation, such as graphs
and charts, plays a significant role that can be used to develop an idea
regarding the effectiveness of such template in the training process. Event
conduction and an interaction session between the popular and experienced
figure and the inexperienced employees help to develop their innovative idea
that they can implement during any emergency circumstances. Moreover,
experience sharing with the exchange of question answer helps to increase the
working ability of the employees. While implicating in the workplace, they can
observe colourful posters that convey various important idea regarding the
medical practice of the employees, which is helpful to provide them effective
training during the practical service hour in the workplace.'
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